1348 Trades: The Best Stock Market Trading Strategy Period Max Health Wealth

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Study Determines The Best Moving Average Crossover trading Strategy. Among short- and long-term EMAs, they discovered that trading the crossovers of the 13-day and 48.5-day averages produced the largest returns.

We play your favorite stocks SPY NVDA AMD TSLA & APPL

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About the Author: Karim

Hello! My name is Karim, and I share my thoughts on 3 topics that affect our world. Health, wealth, and self-improvement. I am not an expert in any of those but have done research on them during my time here. The three are important for a quality life because they're all about your success and well-being. In this space, you can follow along with me as I tackle challenges: successes or failures or even just simply growth that happens on the way towards achieving goals - something we all experience day by day!
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