Why we need muscle — Max Health Wealth

grayscale photography of man in short standiung

Developing and maintaining muscle mass could be the key to living vibrantly and extending healthspan. In this episode, Stuart Phillips, PhD, helps us understand why muscle is so important and the best ways to develop healthy muscle. We explore practical tips for resistance training, the role of protein, and questions surrounding protein intake and longevity. Phillips is an expert in both the science and the practical application of the best tools to improve your muscle mass and improve your health. His expertise will help you learn how to get started building muscle today. Table of contents: 0:00 Introduction 2:17 Welcome,…

The science of time-restricted eating — Diet Doctor Podcast Max Health Wealth

woman doing morning exercise on balcony

Time-restricted eating may have the distinction of being the simplest and most effective lifestyle therapy. As Dr. Satchin Panda shares, his research helped the medical community realize the power of this simple intervention. Hear his story and his advice on how time restricted eating may benefit you. Table of content: 0:00 Introduction 2:16 Welcome, Dr. Satchin Panda 3:00 Dr. Panda’s work on circadian rhythm 9:52 Transitioning to human studies 18:40 Why is time-restricted eating (TRE) so effective? 25:16 The concern with muscle mass 28:33 How long is the ideal TRE duration? 34:13 When is the ideal eating window? 38:42 Some…

Valter Longo, Ph.D. on Fasting-Mimicking Diet & Fasting for Longevity, Cancer & Multiple Sclerosis Max Health Wealth

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Dr. Rhonda Patrick speaks with Dr. Valter Longo, a professor of gerontology and biological sciences and director of the longevity institute at the University of Southern California. Dr. Longo has made huge contributions to the field of aging, including the role of fasting and Diet in longevity and healthspan in humans as well as metabolic fasting therapies for the treatment of human diseases. ▶︎ Get the show notes! Chapters: 00:00:00 – Introduction 00:01:00 – fasting-mimicking Diet 00:04:40 – Stem cell regeneration 00:09:26 – Inflammation and aging 00:14:28 – Fasting-mimicking Diet in the hospital setting 00:18:48 – Sensitizing cancer cells to…

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